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Apr 07, 2020

Challenging Times – information and resources for Brentwood from Commissioner Nelson Andrews

It is remarkable how quickly things can change.

The last time I was writing a newsletter, it was all about opportunity — from the incredible addition of Windy Hill Park on Old Smyrna Road to a decision about how to configure bicycle lanes when we resurface Granny White Pike this summer.

Now our focus is on how to best adjust to our new situation and still effectively operate as a community.  While I don’t have many answers, I want to acknowledge what is going on and share resources I’ve found with information as it becomes available.  I also want you to know that the City of Brentwood is doing its level best to keep critical functions in operation while following CDC recommendations for the health of our community.

As always, your perspective and comments are very important to me, and I want to encourage you to contact me at either  if it’s not “on fire” and 615-917-1384 (voice or text) if it is.

News :

The City of Brentwood serves an important role in recovering after the March 2-3 Tornados

  • In some ways it seems like much more than a month ago, but Middle Tennessee made national news March 3 rd  after overnight tornadoes devastated parts of our community.
  • While Bentwood was lucky enough to escape a direct hit, our team jumped in to help, including:
    • Running county-wide emergency communications out of a conference room at Brentwood City Hall after Williamson County lost their fiber optic line in the storm.
    • Dispatching Brentwood Fire and Rescue to the areas hardest-hit to assist Metro Nashville. Our Fire and Rescue department also collected generators and worked to make sure polling sites near the storm were operational March 3 rd  for the “Super Tuesday” primary.
    • Dispatching a Public Works crew and equipment to clear roads and debris.
    • Sending Brentwood Police to help afflicted communities with curfew enforcement and other support.
  • We can all be proud of our team at the City of Brentwood and the way they rise up and make time to help our greater community while not letting it degrade our local services.

What has the City of Brentwood done to address the Coronavirus Pandemic and its impact on our community?

Where can we find reliable and up-to-date information on what is going on with COVID-19 in our community? 

Don’t forget about the US Census

  • In spite of all the disruption, the US Census is still going on, and it is very important everyone in our community is counted.  In a growing community like ours, accurate data is critical to our state and Federal funding.
  • If you are as into it as I am, you will love  this site with response rates by community.

What Can I do?

  • You can reach out and check on family, friends, and neighbors to see if they need anything.  If they do, try to figure out how to do it in a responsible way.

Calendar :

For the foreseeable future, City of Brentwood will be following physical distancing.  In person meetings and events will be minimal if any, and public meetings will be online. 

This Month’s Focus: Funding Major Projects

Independent of the unprecedented times we are experiencing, the Brentwood City Commission and Staff continue to work to carry forward with the business of the city.

Long term planning is one of the most important things that we do, and you can download a full copy of our long-term Capital Improvements Program (CIP) @

Major initiatives include:

  • Building a 5 th  Fire Station on Split Log Road with a target opening date in 2023 ( CIP page 21 ).
  • Re-roofing and adding cellular boosters to the John P. Holt Brentwood Library ( CIP page 23 ).
  • Building a new Parks and Recreation Operations Facility at Crockett Park by 2025 ( CIP page 27).
  • Opening a new Police Headquarters on Heritage Way in 2021 ( CIP page 29 ).
  • Working with the City of Franklin to extend McEwen Drive from Wilson Pike to the Taramore subdivision ( CIP page 65 ).
  • Significantly improving Murray Lane at Holly Tree Gap – possible roundabout under consideration ( CIP page 67 ).
  • Improving Ragsdale Road between Split Log and Glen Ellen ( CIP page 69 ).
  • Finishing Sunset Road from Concord Road to a new bridge north of Ragsdale ( CIP page 75 ).
  • Realigning Sunset at Ragsdale ( CIP page 77 ).
  • Renovating current park facilities and the addition of an inclusive playground  (CIP page 91 and page 97 ).
  • Renovating River Park, including repair of facilities, courts, and backboards ( CIP page 105 ).
  • Adding Windy Hill Park on Old Smyrna Road ( CIP page 109 ).
  • Continuing our Sewer Rehabilitation program (started in 2006) to prevent storm water infiltration ( CIP page 121 ).
  • Significantly increasing sewer system capacity by building a Metro/Brentwood pump station storage facility to manage wet-weather peak flows – expected completion in 2022 ( CIP page 123 ). 

You can  view the March 31 work session discussing the proposed plan at

If you have any questions or comments about the CIP, please reach out to me.  Your perspective and comments are very important to me, and I want to encourage you to contact me at either  or 615-917-1384 (voice or text).


Thank you again for all your support!


Nelson Andrews
Brentwood City Commissioner
“From Brentwood, For Brentwood”

Commissioner Nelson Andrews
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By Nelson Andrews 09 Oct, 2023
First and foremost, I want to say thank you for all the encouraging emails, calls, and texts.  My letter about the squandered opportunity to partner with Williamson County was hard to write and send, but I felt like if I didn’t say something, I would be part of the problem.  I’m going to follow up on that as well as…
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Whether you see it as a deliberate move or as poor decision making, four of your elected Brentwood Commissioners squandered the opportunity to do a $10-12 million indoor tennis & pickleball facility as a 50/50 partnership with Williamson County.  This was worth more than $5 million to the Citizens of Brentwood.  In the past I have not criticized fellow commissioners…
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By Nelson Andrews 17 Jun, 2023
Resolution 2023-57, originally proposed on May 22, gives the City of Brentwood Staff direction and guidance in negotiating with Williamson County on an Interlocal Agreement Concerning Development of an Indoor Racquet Facility in Crockett Park. This link goes to the full content of the proposal: Resolution Tennis Pickleball 2023 Note — this agreement does not constitute final approval of the…
By Nelson Andrews 16 Jun, 2023
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